Monday, March 29, 2010

Jr. Miss

The theme was Princess Boot Camp. Decorations were wonderful! (provided by Mary Clark and crew). Liza from Classy 97 was the emcee. She was hi-lar-i-ous! Dad was laughing out loud which he doesn’t do often. At intermission she raced Morgan Baum to the bathroom. We all got a good chuckle out of that.
. I had my camera out on my lap but didn’t think to start taking pictures until talent. Fitness was good. Jocelyn, Taylor, and Brit were dead on. There were three girls (count them, three ) with side ponytails – a fad that Kera brought to the stage. Next was Talent. They were all wonderful. Darcy forgot some words and Angela’s voice cracked, but other than that they were really all good talents. Brit’s dress was really pretty, but I couldn’t get a picture that looked good. She had flowers in her hair and the dress had sparkles. Taylor wore a tux with tails. Jocelyn had the hardest piece according to Charlotte Hillam. Next Kaite Nash did a piano solo while the girls were changing into their dresses. She played and sang the song “Baby of Mine” from Dumbo. I was thoroughly impressed.

The stage crew kept coming and interrupting Liza to tell her different messages. At this point in the program they interrupted her to say that the girls weren’t ready yet and to keep going. They tried to get her to tell a bunny joke, but she made them do it. And here it is: “What is invisible and smells like carrots? Bunny farts.” Oh, the stage crew was cracking up over that one! Then the girls were finally ready. I did have sense enough to get a picture of all the dresses.

1 Megan Davis

2 Jocelyn Allen

Jocelyn’s was AMAZING! It was so gorgeous and she looked stunning in it. It was by far my favorite. Her earrings were awesome too. They were about the size of a 3x5 card.

3 Darcy Baler

4 Taylor Cordingly

5 Angela Comstock

6 Brit Davidson

During the question part every girl paused and/or messed up in their answer except Jocelyn. During intermission I snuck into the dressing room and visited with Jocelyn. Then it was time for the results.

Fitness: Taylor Cordingly

Self Expression: Brit Davidson (This so should have gone to Jocelyn – even Dad was upset over this one. It made me think of how Kera was jilted on the fitness award, which I am still mad about)

Talent: Taylor Cordingly (yes Jocelyn’s was harder, but Taylor’s was showy and if you didn’t know piano you would think hers was harder.)

Scholastic: Brit Davidson

Interview: Jocelyn Allen (earlier in the day she had come over to Dad’s to say that she had done such a good job in interview and felt really good about it. I guess she was right.)

Spirit of Jr. Miss: Megan Davis

1st Runner Up: Jocelyn Allen

Winner: Brit Davidson (The only thing we can figure is that her grades must have been excellent because both Jocelyn and Taylor out-shown Brit the entire night)

A great big thanks to Laura, Jason, and Josh for adopting us for the night and letting us sit in the reserved family seating. (Oh, and for getting the tickets for us too). It was a great night and lots of fun.

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