Sunday, May 23, 2010

Edgar's Oddities (some of them)

Well, the title of this post should explain it all, but i'll give just a little more info.

Ed likes to chew on socks. He likes to chew on anything really, but he has a special fondness for socks. He pulls off his right sock (occasionally his left) and stuffs as much of it into his mouth as he can. By the time he is done the sock is soaking wet. So more often than not, if you see Ed he'll have on one wet sock.

Here is the side view of sock chewing.

Now, here is another interesting thing about Edgar. When i try to get him to crawl he ends up in what i think yoga terms would call a "downward facing dog." I just put my hand under him and he assumes that i am trying to help him stand up. Needless to say that the whole crawling thing isn't advancing as quickly as i would like.

Carson just missed the picture i really wanted. Owen was imitating Ed and was also in the "downward facing dog" pose then he collapsed and that is when the camera flashed. We couldn't get Owen to do it again.

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